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Quality Certyficate street: Kolejowa 2, 30-805 Cracow
OpenMedis - Anatomial Models

Quality policy

OpenMedis provides medical and physiotherapeutic devices, medical models and simulators, as well as veterinary models and simulators.


Bearing in mind the continuous improvement of the quality of training services provided, the organization implemented a Quality Management System compliant with the international standard PN-EN ISO 9001: 2015.


The task of the OpenMedis company is to provide medical and physiotherapeutic devices, medical model and simulators as well as veterinary models and simulators in accordance with customer requirements. We implement the above through:


  • continuous improvement of the quality management system and meeting legal requirements in the scope of the conducted activity,

  • responding to changes in customer requirements and ongoing assessment of the level of customer satisfaction,

  • efficient delivery of products in line with customer expectations,


The owner undertakes to approve and verify the quality objectives, provide the resources and resources necessary to implement the policy.

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