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OpenMedis - Anatomial Models


3D anatomy models
Anatomical Models
Custom tools for patient education
Veterinary simulators
Anatomical Charts
Anatomical Table 3D
Medical simulators
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Clinical History A man aged 82 years had a history of tuberculosis of the left knee in childhood. He developed a painful swollen knee 10 days prior to admission to hospital. Examination revealed an inflamed knee, ...
Clinical History A 61-year old male with prostate cancer attends pre-assessment clinic prior to a prostatectomy. Overall, he feels well with no major complaints. On review of symptoms, it is noted he has chronic pain ...
Clinical History A 65-year old male with presents with pain in his left groin. He has a history of skin melanoma on his left foot treated with surgical resection and radiotherapy. On examination, he is cachexic with a ...
Clinical History A 57-year old male attends complaining of recurrent pain in his right thigh. On examination there is no palpable abnormality in the thigh. An x-ray of the limb showed bony absorption associated with ...
Clinical History On examination, there was a palpable tender swelling above the right knee. Blood test showed a raised Alkaline Phosphatase level. A knee x-ray showed periosteal reactive changes in the distal femur ...
Clinical History A 60-year old female presented with a 12-month history of recurrent pain and increasing swelling in her right shoulder. On examination, there was a palpable mass over the superior aspect of her right ...
Clinical History A 66-year old male presents with postprandial epigastric pain. Of note, he is deaf and non-verbal. On examination, he has a tender epigastrium and several nodular tender lesions over his forehead and ...
Clinical History  A 36-year old female was admitted to hospital with a 3-week history of bloody diarrhoea and lower abdominal pain. Further history taking revealed 4 similar episodes of diarrhoea and abdominal ...
Clinical History  A middle-aged woman was investigated for recurrent bouts of epigastric pain. Endoscopy failed to reveal any peptic ulceration. A cholangiogram demonstrated a non-functioning gallbladder. She died ...
Clinical History  This elderly patient had a long history of „indigestion“. He collapsed and died after a massive stoke. Pathology  The specimen is a 2cm coronal slice of tissue, which incorporates a ...
Clinical History  A 66-year-old woman suffered sudden onset of severe colicky central abdominal pain, somewhat relieved by drawing up her knees. She passed a stool containing mucus and blood („like redcurrant ...
Clinical History  A 50-year old male underwent a colonoscopy after testing positive for faecal occult blood during a screening test. Colonoscopy revealed a pedunculated tumour in the descending colon, which was ...
Clinical History  A 60-year-old man head a history of four episodes of severe gripping abdominal pain during the previous year, each lasting two hours and associated with meals. He presented with a similar attack ...
Clinical History  A 44-year-old man had a skin lesion on his back that grew slowly. At presentation at A&E several years later, he complained of bone pain, and had hepatomegaly and a pleural effusion. He died ...
Clinical History  An 85-year old male presented with urinary retention due to benign prostatic hypertrophy. On admission it was noted that he was jaundiced with cholestatic derangement of his liver function tests. ...
Clinical History  A 60-year old male is admitted with jaundice, melena and abdominal distension. He has a past medical history of untreated Hepatitis C infection from previous intravenous drug use. Further ...
Clinical History  A 77-year old male presented with a 3-day history of abdominal and flank pain with fevers and rigors. He was 2 weeks post-operative from a duodenal ulcer repair surgery. He was hypotensive, ...
A practical set designed to simulate visual impairment in old age. It includes a total of 6 glasses placed in an ergonomic case for easy carrying. Glasses simulate the following eye defects: age-related macular ...
Clinical History  A 40-year old male attends his GP complaining of 2 weeks of haematuria and new onset of headache with blurred vision. His GP notes a blood pressure of 260/110 and refers the patient to hospital. ...
Clinical History  This specimen was found during a routine post-mortem of a 56-year-old male who died of rheumatic heart disease.   Pathology  The kidney is 12 cm in length and the two parts are fused ...
This model provides an impressive demonstration of the difference between a normal and osteoporotic femur. The osteoporotic bone shows a markedly damaged structure and bone fracture. The upper half of the femur is ...
Clinical History  A 72-year old female presented with colicky flank pain and increasing malaise. Intermittent haematuria was noted. Biochemical investigations reveal significantly impaired renal function. CT ...
Clinical History  A 68-year old male presented with fevers and rigors. Further questioning reveals a 6-month history of intermittent bilateral flank pain and haematuria. Biochemical investigations reveal ...
Clinical History  A 38-year old female presents with severe nausea, vomiting, fevers and rigors. She has a history of recurrent urinary tract infection over the past 6 months. She has required several courses of ...
Clinical History  A 64-year old male presents with a 5-month history of generalised malaise, weight loss and dull right flank pain. On examination, there is a palpable right sided abdominal mass. He is noted to be ...
Clinical History  A 54 year old male patient presents with flank pain. He is an active intravenous drug user. Further questioning reveals a history of intermittent haematuria, fevers, malaise and vomiting. On ...
Clinical History  A 60 year old man who had worked in a paint factory for 40 years developed painless haematuria for one month. CT scan showed a suspected tumour in the left renal pelvis. He underwent a ...
Clinical History  A 68-year old woman presented with a small hard lump in the thyroid. During the following six weeks, there was progressive rapid enlargement of the mass leading to laryngeal stridor and ...
Clinical History  A 53-year-old female presented with an abnormal swelling in the neck and a persistent cough. She complained of lethargy and weight gain over the previous few years. Whilst being investigated she ...
Clinical History  A 60-year-old female presented with an abnormal swelling in the neck, persistent cough and difficulty swallowing. She gained weight over the previous few years. She died of unrelated ...
Temporal bones of the head phantom are small phantoms with a three-layered bone structure similar like an actual skull bone (cortical bone on top and bottom and diploe in the middle). Upon request, we can adjust the ...
Clinical History  This was a case of a 75-year-old female who presented with symptoms of recurrent disease and confirmed to have chemo-resistant multiple retroperitoneal lymph node metastases five years after the ...
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