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Anatomical Models / Ear anatomical models
This model shows the details of the external, middle and inner ear in three times life size. The eardrum with malleus, incus and stapes can be removed. Additional removable part is the cochlea and labyrinth with ...
This slightly enlarged model of a human ear with detailed reproduction of all anatomical details shows the auditory canal, the tymphanic membrane, malleus, incus, stapes and cochlea. Surrounding bony structures are ...
The middle ear is composed of three tiny bones: the malleus (or hammer), incus (or anvil), and stapes (or stirrup). These bones carry and increase the amplitude of sound from the eardrum to the inner ear. They are ...
Enlarged approx. 15 times. The model shows instructive the organs of the middle and inner ear. The bony and membranous labyrinths are shown and the cochlea can be opened. On stand. ...
With this transparent model, we can analyze the complex structure of the ear from the pinna to the eardrum. It is a comprehensive model for patient education or medical education. The model is flexible and can also be ...
Hammer, anvil and stirrup in triple magnification. ...
This model shows a hammer, anvil and a stirrup which are magnified approximately 20 times. Size: approx. 23 x 25 x 23 cm, weight: approx. 0.4 kg ...

Anatomical Models - Ear anatomical models

The human ear is a sensory organ responsible for hearing and balance. The complicated anatomical structure of the ear (some structures are microscopic in size) causes difficulties in the educational process for both lecturers and students. Anatomical models presenting the human ear may be helpful in this situation.

Anatomical models of the ear are useful teaching aids for everyone who wants to deepen their knowledge about the structure of the organs of hearing and balance. The use of different colors to paint individual elements of the models facilitates learning the topography of the anatomical structures of the human ear and the mutual relations between them. Thanks to the use of the highest quality materials and advanced production methods, human ear models are characterized by high durability and precision. Our assortment includes ear models made on a 1:1 scale and enlarged to better visualize individual anatomical structures. Some models can be broken down into parts, which makes the education process much more attractive and easier. Attention should be paid to the possibility of purchasing anatomical models of individual anatomical structures of the ear, such as auditory ossicles, a labyrinth model, etc.
Anatomical models of the ear constructed in this way are ideal equipment for anatomy laboratories, medical offices and natural science laboratories.

Our offer will include, among others: the following anatomical models of the human ear:

The human ear model is ideal for learning anatomy at home and during seminars conducted at universities and medical schools. Based on radiological data, a series of models faithfully reflecting the human body were created. These advanced teaching aids are the equipment of anatomy laboratories of many Medical Universities in Poland. This is a modern solution used in many countries around the world.

Advantages of anatomical models of the human ear:

  • Accuracy of workmanship (hand-finished)
  • Durability (made of the highest quality materials)
  • Learning the normal anatomy of the human ear
  • Learning the topography of anatomical structures located in the human ear and the mutual relations between them
  • Ear models can be disassembled into parts, which makes the education process easier and more attractive
  • Models of the ear and individual anatomical structures made enlarged to better visualize the anatomical structures

Application of the anatomical model of the human ear:

  • Equipment of the anatomy laboratory
  • Learning the anatomy of the human ear
  • The anatomical model can be used to demonstrate the structure of the human ear and ear pathology to patients in an office setting
  • As a teaching aid during postgraduate training for doctors, physiotherapists, osteopaths and other medical professions.
We also recommend skull models, eye models and tongue models, which, combined with anatomical models of the ear, will create an ideal set for learning anatomy.
If you have any questions or if the ear model you need is not available in the store, please contact us via e-mail or telephone. We are sure that together we will be able to provide the necessary materials for learning and improving skills. We can produce custom models with individual specifications.
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